Posts Tagged ‘Air Berlin’

Air Berlin Managers, Pilots Agree Pay Cuts
Air Berlin Managers, Pilots Agree Pay Cuts Managers and pilots at Air Berlin have agreed to pay cuts as the German airline tries to reduce costs. About 80 managers will see their remuneration cut by between 5 and 10 percent thi...

Etihad Appeals Air Berlin Code-share Ruling
Etihad Appeals Air Berlin Code-share Ruling Etihad Airways has filed an appeal against a German court’s decision to revoke its rights to jointly sell tickets for 29 routes operated by Air Berlin. “We will fig...

Air Berlin Benefitting From Lufthansa Strike
Air Berlin Benefitting From Lufthansa Strike Air Berlin is benefitting from a strike at German rival Lufthansa, according to chief executive Stefan Pichler. “Short-term bookings are looking good for us,” Pichler tol...

Air Berlin CEO Eyes New Culture
Air Berlin CEO Eyes New Culture Air Berlin needs more of an “anti-establishment” attitude to take on bigger rivals, its chief executive, as the airline nears the end of a fleet review to stem losses and reduce debt ...

Air Berlin Has Last Shot At Turnaround
Air Berlin Has Last Shot At Turnaround Air Berlin has one last shot at turning itself around, its chief executive told a German newspaper, underlining the scale of the challenge facing Germany’s second largest airline. Th...

Merkel Backs Air Berlin In Etihad Dispute
Merkel Backs Air Berlin In Etihad Dispute German Chancellor Angela Merkel is backing Air Berlin in a dispute over whether its Abu Dhabi-based partner Etihad is exercising too much control, Focus magazine reported. Etihad, which...